Take Ten to Write

“You’ve Had A Bad Day”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Never floss with a stranger.

Joan Rivers

You’re on an overnight train headed to France. You’re tired, annoyed, and hungry. In short, you’ve had a bad day.

Let me just give you a quick recap:

First, you woke up to find that your dog had chewed your favourite pair of shoes.

Second, you ran out of cream to put in your coffee, so it tasted like garbage.

Third, your boss called you to tell you that you needed to photocopy a stack of papers before coming to the office because the office printer was broken.

Fourth, you arrived to work late and were scolded by your boss. Yes, the same boss who had told you to photocopy at home, which is why you were late for work. And yes, you still want to punch him in the face, mostly because of what he told you next, which was…

Fifth, your boss told you that you would need to go to France on an overnight train and that your ticket was already booked.

Sixth, your usual dog-sitter had a “prior engagement” (honestly, I’m not sure why you didn’t believe her), so you had to call your sister–which you hate doing–to ask her to take care of your dog for you while you were gone.

Seventh, your assistant forgot to call a taxi for you to take you to the train station, so you were almost late.

Eighth, your ticket wasn’t first-class, so you were stuck on an overnight train on the bottom bunk of an overweight man.

Which brings us to ninth, flossing.

Okay, so I guess that wasn’t really a ‘quick’ recap, but that was your day. Exciting, wasn’t it?

But now, back to the present. Flossing.

You hate flossing. You always have, and you always will. How you can be so sure of that, I’m not sure, but you are.

And now, enter Annoying Lady #3. Yes, you heard that right. #3.

What, did you zone out or something with Annoying Lady #1 and #2? Really? Because I was here the whole time and oh, did I see everything.

Final Comments: I didn’t realize that my build-up to the main part of the story would be so long, but I actually had a lot of fun writing it. I decided to try writing in a different POV today, and honestly, it was just so much fun being a narrator.

Overall Rating: 😏

Let me know your thoughts!