“Your Moment”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: “You will never win if you never begin.” — Helen Rowland
You take a deep breath. This is it. The moment you’ve been waiting for.
You can hear the applause from the gathered crowd. Your friends and family all came out for this very moment. You know that you can’t let them down.
Your heart pounds in your chest. Beads of sweat trickle down the back of your neck and slip underneath your shirt.
You absolutely despise feeling nervous. After all these years of being in front of crowds, you thought that you wouldn’t be nervous anymore.
But this is different. This is new. You’ve never done anything like this before. In fact, you’ve been scared to do this very thing since you learned that it existed.
And now, here you are. About to step out onto that stage for the very first time and perform.
A part of you is still filled with doubt. The cheers of the audience both fuel your motivation and dampen it. You know that this is your one and only chance.
Still, the other part of you is excited. You’re here for a reason. That rush of adrenaline is so undeniably delicious that you can’t help but think that this is your true calling.
Slowly, your confidence builds. You’re here for a reason. You’ve rehearsed for this moment for your entire life. You want to be here. You need to be here. This is your moment.
It’s now or never.
You take one last deep breath before stepping out onto the stage.
Final Comments: I really had no idea what this story was going to be about when I started writing. It’s actually super interesting to see where the story decides to take itself.
Overall Rating: 🤔

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