Take Ten to Write

“Your Choice”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Prompt: “Quick decisions are unsafe decisions.” — Sophocles

Listen up: you’ve got a decision to make. I’ll tell you your two choices, and then you’ll have exactly one minute to decide.

Failure to make a decision will result in severe consequences. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Alright, so choice number one: You can go down the left path. Now, I can see that you’re trying your best to see as far down as you can, but I can tell you that there’s absolutely nothing to see. Yes, it’s obviously a forest, but does it lead out of the forest or further in? I guess you won’t know unless you try it.

Now, onto choice number two: You can go down the right path. Again, I don’t know why you bothering trying to sneak a peek down that path. There’s literally nothing there that’ll differentiate it from the left path.

Okay, okay, fine, I’ll tell you a bit about each path, just stop making those horrendously annoying eyes at me.

Let’s begin with the left path, otherwise known as option number one. As you can see, the path is lined by beautiful fir trees, which means that you’ll continue seeing green as you walk down. There are a few flowers around the edges of the path, but let’s be honest, they’re just weeds. Oh, come on, did you really think that there’d be a field of beautiful, rare flowers for you to frolic in? Maybe there is. You’ll never know, unless you choose the left path.

But let’s turn our attention for a moment to the right path. Now, this one is also surrounded by beautiful fir trees, and the flowers are still just weeds. However, I would like to point out the unique presence of mushrooms down this path. Are they edible? Who knows. I certainly don’t. All I’m here to do is to force–er, encourage–you to choose a path.

Ah, I can see that you’re thinking about creating a third option, aren’t you? Yes, a lot of people have the exact same train of thought. But no, sadly you cannot return the way we came. You see, my employer simply wouldn’t allow that, and if I let you return, then I’d lose my job. Actually, I’d probably lose my life. And you wouldn’t want that on your conscience, now would you?

So, what’ll it be? Time’s ticking.

You’ve got about ten seconds left. Let me help you by adding the pressure of me obnoxiously counting down each number.











And zero.

Final Comments: The narration style for this one was extremely fun to write.

Overall Rating: 😏

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