“You Were Right…”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: “Why do I even bother?”
He throws his hands up. “Why do I even bother?”
“Because you haven’t learned yet that I’m always right,” I say with a wink.
He scowls and turns back to his work.
I wait for him to start talking again, but his mouth is set in a line, lips pursed, as he continues scribbling in his notebook. The silence becomes deafening. I can’t stand it any longer.
“Okay, fine, I’m not always right,” I sigh. “There have been some times when you were right and I just didn’t admit it.”
“Be more specific,” he says, still not looking up at me.
“When we went to Splash City, you said that I’d be scared and I promised that I wouldn’t be but I was really terrified.”
“What else?”
“Uh, that time when we took the train to Italy and I said that we needed to keep going even though you said that we needed to get off at that stop. You were right; I just acted like it was the plan all along and found this random shop that I pretended I wanted to go into so that you’d think that I knew what I was doing.”
“How many do you want from me?”
Now I’m starting to get annoyed. I glare at him to see that he’s smirking.
“You jerk!” I shout, slapping his shoulder.
“What? It’s nice to hear you admit that you’re wrong,” he chuckles, swatting me away.
I cross my arms over my chest and let out a huff. Why do big brothers have to be so annoying?
Final Comments: I really like writing sibling dynamics. It’s so fun to play around with the love-hate relationship that’s really just an overabundance of love.
Overall Rating: 😋

"Potionmasters Pt. 19"

"Intrusion of Light"
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