Take Ten to Write

“You Need To Come See This”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!


Someone shakes my arm, and immediately, an Intention for a Reaction forms in my mind. Jolting upright, I direct my palms toward whoever bothered me.

“Sorry!” Toby squeaks, jumping back with his own hands raised. “It’s just that you really need to come see this.”

“What is it?” I ask warily, staying alert in case we’re in danger. See, this is why I shouldn’t have even taken a nap in the first place; they can’t handle themselves without me.

“Okay, you can put your hands down,” Toby says. “We’re not in any danger.”

“I’ll be the judge of that,” I mutter, flinging the covers off and swinging my legs around to stand up. “Now, where is… well, whatever it is you want to show me?”

Toby sighs. “Seriously, Ellie, please relax. It can’t be good for you to always be on edge.”

“That’s the only reason I’ve survived for this long,” I whisper. Why in Typ’vet is he taking so long to show me? What if the others are already hurt, or even worse, what if they’re dead? “Now, can we go?”

“Yes, fine.”

He leads the way out of the room. I follow him through the house before we come to a stop at the front door.

“Okay,” he says, turning in front of the door with his hands folded behind his back. “Close your eyes.”


“Oh, come on, it’s just for a second.”



“I said no, Toby.”

He sighs. “Alright, fine. Then just… step back to let me open the door.”

I scowl and take a step to the side rather than back; Toby may be an idiot, but I’d much rather be the first one out that door to protect him if I need to.

“Open the door,” I snap, feeling the heat rise to my palms in preparation for a Reaction.

He sighs again. “You’re taking all the fun out of this, you know.”

“Survival isn’t fun,” I retort. “Now open the door.”

Final Comments: I don’t think I’ve written a TTtW story in Ellie’s POV yet. I think that she’s one character that I’m still trying to balance her seriousness and her playfulness…

Overall Rating: 🤔

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