“Yes, My Queen”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
“My queen,” the guard said, dropping into a deep bow, “the prisoners are ready.”
Cressalia sighed, twirling a strand of hair around her finger, watching the light reflect off her newly-manicured nail. “Must we do this today?”
The guard almost allowed his features to slip into a frown, but managed to hold his face steady. “Well, my queen, you were the one who ordered for them to be executed today at sundown.”
“I no longer feel like it,” she said, her eyes still trained on her nail. She could’ve sworn that the shade of yellow polish had been lighter before. Now, it looked too dark, almost muddy. She no longer liked it.
“Call the manicurist,” Cressalia snapped. Dropping her hands down to her sides so that she would no longer have to look at the murky yellow tainting her nails, she stood abruptly and smoothed her skirt. “And have some tea sent to my room.”
“Yes, my queen,” the guard said. He bowed again before asking hesitantly, “And the prisoners?”
“What of them?”
“Well, they are waiting for you in the courtyard.”
Cressalia turned to glare at the guard. “They can wait longer. In fact, they should be grateful that I am allowing them more time to live. Inform them that they should be prepared to thank me when I arrive later.”
“And… when will that be, my queen?”
She narrowed her eyes. “When I want to. Now, do you have any more questions?”
The guard gulped, well aware from her tone what she expected his answer to be. “No, my queen.”
“Very good.” Cressalia sniffed before spinning on her heel and stalking out of the room, her line of servants trailing behind her.
Final Comments: I can’t remember if I’ve written a section with Cressalia yet… Anyhow, she’s another character whose personality I’m still trying to figure out.
Overall Rating: 🤨

"Polished Armour"

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