Take Ten to Write

“Worth It”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Photo prompt by Jeff Vanderspank on Unsplash

Let me just put this out there: That worm looked like the most delicious thing I’d ever seen and, if I’m being honest, it was pretty darn tasty.

Sure, then there was this searing pain through my lip as it was pierced by the piece of metal that the worm had been skewered on, but I’d say that it was worth it.

Well, then I was viciously torn from the water. My scales prickled from the cold. But it was still worth it.

Soon, I couldn’t breathe anymore. My gills didn’t seem to be working. Still, it was worth it.

A rough hand grabbed my lip. I looked up to see an ugly-looking creature staring at me. A shiver went down my spine; he didn’t look very nice. The taste of the juicy worm lingered in the back of my throat. Still worth it.

More searing pain as the metal was yanked out of my lip. I would’ve let out a terrible scream if I could make any sound. Instead, I just tried wiggling as much as I could to escape. I tried imagining the taste of the worm. It was slowly fading away, but I think it was still worth it.

The hideous creature brought me up to meet my eyes. I froze for a moment before squirming more than ever, trying desperately to get it to let go of me. Unfortunately, the creature just grabbed me around the stomach and stopped me from flopping about. The taste of worm had long since faded from my mouth. While I’d like to say that it was worth it, I’m starting to have my doubts.

I continued struggling for breath, but it was useless. I gave up.

Maybe that worm wasn’t worth it after all…

Final Comments: The verb tenses for this one were all over the place…

Overall Rating: 😥

Let me know your thoughts!