“White Flag”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: Flag.
The lone white flag billows in the wind. I watch as the timid soldier slowly trudges toward us, quite obviously annoyed that he was chosen to bear the symbol of surrender.
He approaches cautiously, unsure if we’ll honour the truce. Being soldiers of honour, we of course lower our weapons and allow him to walk to us.
“W-we surrender,” he says, dropping to his knees as the bottom of the flagpole thuds into the mud.
I look down at him. He looks so pathetic, trembling there on the ground, hugging the flagpole. I glance at Officer Norvikk. He gives me a sharp nod.
“We accept your surrender,” I bark at the man. “Signal to your men. They may approach now.”
He nods and whispers a “Thank you” before rising again and turning to face the direction of his army. The flag rises into the air again.
In a flash, the pointed tip of the flagpole is driven through Officer Norvikk’s chest. He collapses, his eyes and mouth wide with surprise. It takes me a moment to register what just happened.
“Hirovi j’senko!” the soldier screams at his army before I chop his head clean off.
I glance down at Officer Norvikk’s still body. The pole is still sticking out of his chest, the white flag blowing in the wind.
I tear my eyes away from him and begin barking orders at my soldiers. The enemy is approaching quickly.
Honestly, I’m not sure what their play was. We still greatly outnumber them; their surrender would’ve been the only way they survived complete slaughter.
Suddenly, a horn trumpets. My soldiers freeze.
The call is coming from behind us.
Blinking through the sunlight, I see a dark figure approaching. No, a wave.
Another army approaches. And they’re not friendly.
I look down at Officer Norvikk.
“You got the easy way out, my friend,” I murmur.
I tighten my grip on my sword. At least I’ll go out fighting.
Final Comments: This one was a lot of fun to write!
Overall Rating: 😄

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