Take Ten to Write

“When The Lion Wakes”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

She tiptoed through the tall field of grass, trying her best to stop the rustling around her. Her long skirt dragged across the ground beneath her as she walked, step by step, across the field.

Finally, she reached the end. The wind buffeted her, pulling at her hair and gown. It beckoned to her, and she listened.

She followed the wind to the decrepit house that she had passed so many times before, never brave enough to venture inside. But today was different. She had plans, big plans. She was finally going to go inside the house.

When she reached the front door, the wind hesitated. It gave her one last breath in farewell. She watched it leave before turning back to the door.

Her gaze travelled up the dark, worn wood. A lion’s head knocker hang crookedly above her, staring down at her as if daring her to enter.

She stroked the lion’s head gently before pushing the door opened. It swung open with ease, almost as if it wanted her to enter.

She walked into the house and looked around at the clusters of cobwebs hanging above her. Dust covered every surface, making the entire house look dull and lifeless.

But she suspected that it was all just a front, a trick of the eyes so that the inhabitants would not be discovered. The inhabitants that she hoped to soon meet.

As she ventured further inside, she began to feel a chill. She wrapped her arms around herself to conserve her warmth.

She explored every nook and cranny of the old house, but the more she looked, the more her disappointment grew. She had been so certain that this house held a secret.

Once her search was complete, she walked back toward the door, her heart heavy. She turned to take one final look at the house before closing the door behind her.

She disappeared into the field of grass, unaware of the pair of eyes that were watching her every move.

And when the grass stopped moving behind her, the lion on the door straightened, signalling to the ghosts of the house that the danger had passed.

Final Comments: These music prompts are incredible. I think that maybe I should start to always write with music that sets the mood for the scene rather than just listening to random soundtracks. I’m not totally happy with how I finished the story and I feel like there could’ve been much more development in the middle as she was exploring the house, but I did the best I could in ten minutes!

Overall Rating: 👻

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