“When I Fell In Love”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

I remember when we met, eight years ago. We were both seniors at Lakefield High. I had just transferred to the school after moving across the city.
For the first half of the year, I don’t think you even knew my name. Honestly, you probably didn’t even know that I existed. To be fair, I didn’t really want to stand out, or to have friends. I just wanted to keep focused, get good grades, and graduate so that I could go to my dream university.
Your dreams were completely different. You were a singer and had already released some albums. Everyone knew and loved you. All the boys wanted to be your right-hand man and all the girls wanted to date you.
To be perfectly honest, I couldn’t care less about you. Sure, I knew that you existed and that you were a singer, but otherwise? Zero interest.
That all changed after third period on a Wednesday.
I was sitting alone, earbuds in, when you approached me. You tapped my shoulder gently. And I straight out ignored you.
You were persistent, I’ll give you that. You tapped again and patiently waited.
I looked up to see you standing there, all alone. Immediately, I thought that something was off; you always have your group of friends with you.
You asked me if I had a partner for the English assignment. I was hesitant to answer, because I was almost certain that you were just going to pawn off all the work on me.
But I didn’t have a partner and I wasn’t about to approach anyone to ask to be paired with them. So, I agreed.
I’ll confess: I was pleasantly surprised by all the work you put into that assignment. It was a small, stupid assignment, but you gave it your all.
We began talking then. Really talking. I slowly came to know the real you, not just the side that you presented to the public. You were sweet, caring, kind beyond belief, and just a total teddy bear. And to top it all off, you actually listened when I spoke. For once in my life, I didn’t feel invisible.
I fell in love with you, and look where we are today. One week to our wedding and still going strong.
I couldn’t be happier.
Final Comments: I liked writing this one. Short, simple, and sweet.
Overall Rating: 🥰

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