“Watering the Plants”
This Take Ten to Write story was submitted by E. L. Stew. Happy reading!
“Use plants to bring life.”
Douglas Wilson
Watering plants is hard work.
I mean, it isn’t really hard. It is just difficult. I mean have you ever tried watering an entire garden before? What about an entire forest?
Ha. Now try watering an entire planet. Yeah.
Not so easy anymore is it. I wish I had a better job, but being a Nymph is not exactly the best thing to have on your resume. What god wants to hire a Nymph? That’s me. I wish it wasn’t, but it is.
It would have been so much easier if Poseidon’s daughter didn’t hate my guts. I mean I have to water the plants one drop at a time. It is so exhausting creating even the smallest raincloud for me, so I mostly just water plants one drop at a a time.
The other day Eirene, that’s Poseidon’s daughter, the one that hates me (it’s so ironic that her name means peace), caught me sitting on a river-stone.
I had been watering the Amazon “rain”-forest all day, and I was really only half way through at that point, but I was so exhausted. So I sat down for just a second to cool down by the river. That’s when I met Achelous, he was so handsome, and such a long way from home, it was only natural we’d strike up a conversation.
Of course she would show up then. Eirene is so jealous of me. Urgh. I had been in the midst of the perfect conversation, and she had to ruin it, with her perfect hair and golden eyes. It isn’t fair.
I just want to stop watering the plants.

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