“Visiting Riddenyork”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Riddenyork is so different from home. This country seems almost like it’s from a different planet, yet it’s just a simple step over a borderline.
Before visiting, I had read all about Riddenyork. The customs here are pretty much the opposite of back home; being short and pointing out the other’s flaws are apparently not tolerated here, which baffles me. How else can people improve if not by being judged by others?
Furthermore, the landscape and countryside are a startling shade of green. Strange plants called “flowers” cover this green carpet. These flowers are all different colours, most of which I’ve never seen before. Apparently the people here enjoy seeing these vibrant colours on their land. My eyes disagree.
During my time here, I’ve come to know a few different people.
First, there’s Henrietta. She hardly says a word when I’m around, but she’s very good at taking me where I want to go. Back home, we would call her a yimmitra. Here, they call people like her ‘tour guides’.
Next, there’s Steve. Steve’s a strange fellow, though he looks the most like my own people with white hair and a long beard. He’s part of my ‘tour group’ and enjoys taking little pictures of everything. He told me that these are called ‘photographs’. I call them a waste of space.
Finally, there’s Morgan. Of all the people I’ve met here in Riddenyork, I feel like Morgan and myself are the most similar. He understands that pointing out faults should be encouraged, not frowned upon, and he and I have had many a good laugh during our time together. Unfortunately, he left early this morning to return home.
Today is also my final day here in Riddenyork. I’ve learnt a lot from this strange place, but life here is very complicated. I enjoyed my time here, but I’m ready to go home.
Final Comments: Another nonsense story… But they’re fun, right?
Overall Rating: 🤨

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