Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
As Katalikka stood at the edge of the cliff, a few different words popped into her mind.
Crazy. Stupid. Utterly ridiculous.
“Go on, Kat,” Maverick said, nodding toward the edge. “Remember, it’s all in your mind.”
“Right,” Katalikka muttered, rolling her eyes. As she turned away from her big brother, she did her best impression of his whiny voice. “Just rub the pigments between your fingers and think about stepping off the cliff and it’ll really happen. Ha! Easy for him to say.”
“I can still hear you,” Maverick drawled. “Now come on, we haven’t got all day. I’m supposed to be back at Lord Pyrnid’s manor before sundown.”
“Ah yes, you’re still parading around as ‘Sir Norahad of Milwood’. Honestly, isn’t it bad form to Veil a person who’s dead?”
“It’s easier to Veil someone you’ve seen before than conjuring up an entirely new person,” Maverick said. “Plus, Norahad hadn’t died yet when I first started Veiling him.”
“But he’s dead now and you’re still Veiling him now.”
Maverick rubbed his fingers over his red tunic quickly, drawing the pigments from the fabric, and his face Veiled into the sharp-chinned and high eyebrowed knight. “That I am.” He sighed and released his Veil, allowing his natural features to reappear.
Final Comments: Sooo I ran out of motivation for The Rise of Zeus, which I sort of expected to happen sooner or later. I’m going to try to write a more detailed blog post about it at some point to explain what my plans for the story are, because I’m by no means abandoning it! But, in the meantime, I decided to start writing something else instead to regain my motivation to continue doing TTtWs. This is part of another bigger story that I’ve started thinking about, so I hope you enjoy!
Overall Rating: 🤗
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