Take Ten to Write

“Too Trusting”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Prompt: Arms.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” I mutter to Ned.

Ned glances over his shoulder at me. “Nah, but it’s much better than rotting in this cell, don’t ya think?”

I shrug. “Fair enough.”

I walk over to my bed and pull out the lock pick that I’d been gradually creating over the weeks that I’ve been here. I hand it to Ned.

“Soon as it’s open, we run,” he whispers to me, walking to the door.

I nod say, “Just so you know, as soon as we get out of here, that’s it. I never want to see you again, got that? I’ve got my family to think about. They don’t know that I’m in jail right now, and I’d rather them not know that I’m an arms dealer.”

Ned turns his back to me. “Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, buddy. How ’bout we get outta here first, yeah?”

“Yeah,” I say, stepping up beside him to keep lookout while he works.

Being the middle of the night, the guards are either asleep or lazy, so the coast is pretty clear. Ned has the lock open in no time. At least, I think it’s no time. My adrenaline is making it really hard for me to judge time right now.

As soon as the door clicks open, Ned whispers, “Run!”

I burst out through the door and start sprinting. I can practically taste freedom. All that’s left to do is break out through the window in the kitchen that we’ve been scouting.

Suddenly, my foot hits something hard. I go tumbling down, my face skidding against the hard floor.

I wince in pain. I roll over and am immediately met with a blinding light.

Ned stands over me, a smile of satisfaction on his lips. “I suppose I should introduce myself,” he says. “The name’s Ned Forrester. I work with the Agency. Congratulations, you’ve just won another seven years in prison. I’ll send the good news to your family.”

I groan and let my head fall back to bounce on the ground. I guess this is what I get for being too trusting.

Final Comments: I had fun writing this one!

Overall Rating: 😊

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