Take Ten to Write

“Today’s the Day”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Music prompt: “The Chosen One” by Smash Into Pieces

I have a good feeling as I walk out the door. Today’s going to be different, I just know it.

I hoist my backpack over my shoulder and set off down the street. My neighbours wave as I pass. I return their greetings, giving them each a broad smile. Luckily each of them stays within the confines of their yards.

I check my watch. Uh oh, I’m already running late.

I pick up the pace as I head down my street.

My journey is relatively quiet. No one else is on the street right now.

I slide around a car that’s parked itself up on the sidewalk and almost run directly into Mr. Gerossun.

I guess I spoke too soon about being alone.

“Hello,” I say, trying to keep my voice as light and pleasant as possible.

He grunts in reply. He was never happy to see children, not even before.

“I’m just on my way to school,” I say, trying to see if there’s any way around him. The car’s still blocking my path behind me and to the side. “Mr. Gerossun, please let me pass.”

He perks up slightly at the sound of his name, but otherwise there’s no real sign that he can understand what I’m saying.

I look down at my watch again. I’m definitely going to be late.

“I’m sorry,” I say, gritting my teeth as I slide my backpack off my shoulder.

“Huh?” Mr. Gerossun grunts right as my backpack smashes into his face.

As soon as he’s down, I take off sprinting. My stomach doesn’t feel so good; it never does after I knock someone out. Still, it’s the only way to get around town nowadays. At least, that’s the only way that my conscience will accept.

I only skid to a stop when I reach my destination. I look behind me to see that the street is completely empty. Mr. Gerossun didn’t follow me.

I sigh and head inside the building. As I sit down at my lab bench, determination rushes through me.

Sure, today didn’t start out great, but I’ve still got the whole day ahead. My good feeling hasn’t gone away.

Today’s the day I’ll find the cure.

Final Comments: I was debating including more descriptions of the scenery, but as I was writing, I decided that a more action-focused story was a better fit.

Overall Rating: 🙂

Let me know your thoughts!