Take Ten to Write

“To The Light”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

The end, I can see it. It’s so close, but so far. In the darkness, that sliver of light is enough to give me hope.

I glance over to see her slumped against the side of the cave. I can already tell that she’s lost hope, even with the end in sight. She’ll argue that it’s just another false exit, that we’ll be stuck in here forever.

I can’t let myself believe that. Not if we’re both going to get out of here alive.

I hold out my hand to her. She ignores me, even turning her head away.

But I refuse to take no for an answer. We’re both getting out of here, whether she wants to or not.

I bend down and grasp her arm, pulling her to her feet. She fights me, but I stay strong. She screams and punches and kicks.

She’s doesn’t even want to consider that we may have a way out. Her hope is too far gone for that.

I wrap an arm around her waist to hold her steady. We’re leaving. Now.

Slowly but surely, I lead her toward the light. Each step is a struggle; it’s almost like her feet are sinking into the ground to prevent us from moving forward.

Finally, we’re standing in front of the source of the light. I turn to her. Her eyes are still dark, empty, hopeless.

It’s time to change that.

I take a deep breath and, together, we step into the light.

Final Comments: I was a bit conflicted when I first heard this prompt (which is amazing, by the way, go check it out!) because I had a few ideas. However, all these ideas were super short and I didn’t have enough for a full story. I guess that’ s kind of the point of these TTtW stories though. In the end, I just let my fingers take over.

Overall Rating: .🤔

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