“To Be Normal”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
prompt suggested by Lexi
I’m told that migraines are common when your magic is developing. That doesn’t mean that it makes the pain any less.
The migraines began almost four season cycles ago. Apparently, no one’s migraines have ever lasted that long, nor has their magic taken so long to develop. I don’t understand what’s taking so long; I’ve followed every procedure to the letter, including the daily early-morning rituals that I despise.
Maybe I’m just not magically gifted. My parents would be furious if they discovered that my magic is weak. Being the child of the two most powerful magicians of the century, I’ve felt a lot of pressure to become great. Yet, here I am, migraine-ridden and magicless.
Last night, I had an especially long and painful episode. I was certain that my magic would make its first appearance then.
I was wrong.
Instead, I ended up breaking my parents’ favourite vase by trying to levitate it.
I’m sick and tired of being magicless. I want these headaches to go away. I want my magic to awaken.
I want to be normal.
Final Comments: This one was kind of repetitive — I wrote myself into a corner and didn’t really know how to get back out…
Overall Rating: 😣

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