Take Ten to Write

“Time to Save the World”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Music prompt: “All Eyes On You” by Smash Into Pieces

“You’re our last hope, Agent Hopkins. It’s now or never.”

I let out a deep breath. This is it. Everyone’s counting on me.

A rustle in the leaves draws my attention. Immediately, I aim my gun toward the sound. A squirrel pokes its nose out from the trees. I release my pent-up breath. The creature chatters quietly before disappearing back through the trees.

I return my attention to my target. Except my target isn’t there anymore.

The cool blade of a knife suddenly appears against the back of my neck. I hold my hands up in surrender, cursing myself for allowing myself to be distracted by a stupid squirrel.

“So, this is all that is left of the Agency?” a cold voice sneers from behind me. “A child? How disgraceful.”

I grit my teeth. Why does everyone think that I’m incapable of taking care of myself just because I’m younger than most other agents? Shouldn’t that tell them to watch out because I’m younger?

“I’m not a child,” I spit out.

The knife presses a bit harder against my neck. I freeze. Even though I’ve been held captive before, I wasn’t really looking forward to a repeat experience.

“Alright, if you say so,” he says with amusement. Then, he comes closer and whispers into my ear, “So, can we settle this like civilized people? Or would you prefer the more difficult route?”

“Well, that all depends,” I say, trying to keep my voice as calm as possible.

With as little movement as possible, I slowly reach down into my sleeve and start pulling out my own knife.

“Oh?” he asks. I can feel his breath against my skin, and quite honestly, it’s disgusting. “On what exactly?”

“On what you consider difficult,” I smirk.

I slide my knife out of its sheath. It’s time to save the world.

Final Comments: I’m not completely happy with the wording in this one, but it was still fun to write!

Overall Rating: 🙂

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