“Thunder of War”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
The rain fell in sheets, completely drenching the army. They huddled together, trembling in the cold, as they waited for their opponent to arrive.
Heavy footsteps marched in the distance, accompanied by the beat of a drum. A rhythmic boom… boom… boom…, more commonly known as death.
But the soldiers didn’t turn and flee. They waited, because that was what had been commanded of them. They waited, because it was their duty to protect their homeland. They waited for victory. For pride. For glory.
Through the rain, dark shapes appeared, standing proud and tall. A shouted command stopped the troops in their steps, the unified thudding of spears echoing in the valley.
The two forces sized each other up. Their leaders stepped forward, exchanging the customary acknowledgement of respect.
Then, a shouted charge. Each side raced forward, thunder amplifying shouts of the soldiers.
Lighting. Steel.
Rain. Blood.
Mud. Death.
A final clap of thunder echoed the last soldier’s scream. Then, silence.
Final Comments: I haven’t written in third person for a while, but it felt nice to write in a different POV.
Overall Rating: 😶


"Mismatched Pt. 2"
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