“The Watermelon Slice”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: Watermelon.
Juicy, red and green, fragrant, delicious watermelon. Sparkling drops of juice glint in the sunlight as the slice sits on the plate, just waiting to be devoured.
Slowly, I crawl forward. My nose twitches and I let out a sigh of contentedness as the sweet scent enters my nostrils. Oh yeah, that’s the stuff. My mouth waters at the very thought of crunching down on the fruit.
A scuffle nearby makes my fur stand on end. My ears perk up, swiveling to track the sound.
Someone else is after my snack.
I shoot upright, balancing precariously on my hind feet as my ears continue following the rustling. My eyes dart this way and that, trying to find the intruder.
Suddenly, the sound stops. My nose joins the hunt.
Oh no. I know that smell.
The large black head slowly rises from the grass. Small, beady eyes stare directly at me.
Titan. He must’ve been drawn to the sweet scent of the watermelon too.
My heart drops as he chitters at me. A threat.
I don’t need to be told twice; even I’m not a big enough idiot to consider challenging Titan.
After giving one last, longing look at the beautiful slice of watermelon, I turn tail and scamper away.
Final Comments: I actually hate watermelon. Can’t even stand the smell of it. Ugh.
Overall Rating: 😄


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