“The Trivia Game”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: Write a story titled “The Trivia Game”.
Hello, friend, and welcome to The Trivia Game! Yes, please, take a seat anywhere you’d like. Oh, you’re already sitting? Fabulous, then let’s jump right in.
Now, the rules of this game are simple. Answer the question correctly and you will be rewarded. Answer the question incorrectly and pay the consequences. Is that clear?
Ah yes, my apologies, of course you can’t speak. Just give me a moment to get this ridiculous fabric out of your mouth.
Ah, there we go. Is that better? Yes, well now we can proceed with the game.
Here we go with the first question. It’s actually quite an easy one.
‘What is your full name?’
Yes, that one’s easy, is it not?
Hmm, no, I’m afraid that that answer is incorrect. Unless your parents truly did name you ‘Untie me now, you piece of scum!’, I must say that your answer is wrong. However, since it is the first question, I’ll let you have a second chance.
Yes, that’s better. Well, welcome, Mr. Anthony Horacio Clemens, to The Trivia Game! We’re going to have lots of fun, aren’t we?
And now for the second question: Who do you work for?
Yet another very simple question.
No answer? Well, that’s a shame. I suppose we’ll have to count that as incorrect, then.
Now for your punishment. I have, for the purpose of this little game, sneaked into your house and retrieved some of your most valuable belongings.
Here in front of you, you can see your beloved childhood teddy bear. I understand that you then passed this stuffed animal onto your precious daughter, am I right? Yes, she just turned one last week. Wonderful birthday party.
Anyway, back to you, Mr. Clemens. For getting that question wrong, you must watch me decapitate your precious teddy bear.
Ah yes, watch those stitches just break apart ever so easily. Yes, now that’s a nice clean break.
I’ll just rest the head on your lap right here. Don’t those sad little eyes just break your heart?
Now, I’m afraid that we won’t be able to continue the game until you answer this question correctly. So, shall we try again?
Final Comments: Again, I’m not quite sure how this story came into my mind, but there you have it…
Overall Rating: 😳

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