“The Tour Guide”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: “Shoo!”
The scream rips from my throat before I can stop it. I can’t breathe; my lungs seem to be as paralyzed as the rest of my body.
“Just walk toward me slowly,” the tour guide says, creeping toward me and holding out a hand.
“I-I can’t,” I stutter, staring wide-eyed at the horrific beast in front of me. It stares back at me, equally wide-eyed, but with all eleven of its eyes.
The tour guide edges closer and rests a hand on my shoulder. “Come on, you can do it.”
I want to scream at my body to move, to respond to something, anything. Finally, it listens. Unfortunately, a bit too well.
My right leg jerks and takes a step. Toward the creature.
Immediately, its lips pull back, revealing pointed, blood-stained fangs. I hear the tour guide let out a small gasp. Tears begin welling up in my eyes. This is it. I’m a goner for sure.
“Don’t. Move,” the tour guide mutters into my ear.
That’s good, because I’m not going to trust myself to move probably ever again.
The tour guide shuffles awkwardly around me and into the clearing. He moves slowly but with intent, guiding the beast’s eyes away from me. He’s waving something at it–a long stick I think.
When he’s on the other side of the clearing, he glances at me.
“Go,” he whispers.
I don’t need to be told twice. Now that the creature’s back is turned, at least my limbs seem to be responding to my brain. Somewhat.
I turn and run. Just as I reach the edge of the clearing, my foot slams down on a stick. A resounding crack rings out.
I freeze. I hear a growl behind me and I know that I’ve got the beast’s attention once again.
I glance over my shoulder carefully and see its eleven red eyes fixed on me.
Whack! Something slaps the side of the creature’s head. The long stick.
The creature lets out a mighty roar and whips around to face the tour guide.
“Run!” he screams.
I turn and sprint away as fast as I can, trying desperately to block out the tour guide’s screams.
Final Comments: Honestly, when I first started writing this, the beast was just going to be a little spider and it was going to be a nice comedic story. Then… this happened.
Overall Rating: 😬

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