“The Special Tree”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
“So you’re saying that this tree is special somehow?”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
“Special how exactly?”
“It’s just special.”
Kanter frowned at his best friend. “You know, you really aren’t making a whole lot of sense.”
Gangius shrugged. “It’ll make more sense in a moment, trust me.”
Kanter scowled. “That’s what you said about that other tree.”
“Well I thought that that tree was this tree!”
“They look exactly the same!”
Even though Kanter was thoroughly exasperated, he couldn’t resist grinning at the absolute absurdity of their conversation. “Of all the things we’ve argued about,” he said with a chuckle, “I do believe that this is the most ridiculous.”
“I wholeheartedly agree,” Gangius said, mirroring Kanter’s smirk. “However, that doesn’t change the fact that this is the right tree.”
“Are you sure this time?”
“And how exactly can you be sure?”
“Oh, would you boys stop already? You’re giving me a headache.”
Kanter nearly choked on his words as he turned to look at the tree. A girl in a deep green dress stepped out from behind the tree, a smile on her face that didn’t quite reach her cold eyes.
“Surprise!” Gangius exclaimed.
“Y-you brought my sister here?!” Kanter spluttered. He turned on Gangius, hands balled into fists. “I can’t believe you!”
Final Comments: I think that this is the most informal-sounding any of my fantasy characters have been so far. I’m not sure exactly how ‘modern’ I want them to sound yet, but they are in the lower class so I don’t think they have to sound overly proper and stuck up.
Overall Rating: 🤔

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