Take Ten to Write

“The Sound Of Her Voice”

Photo prompt by Mak on Unsplash

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

I despise cherry blossom season. Whenever I see one of those horrible pink petals, I just see her face in my mind.

I remember one day, about three years ago, when we were walking through the park. She would excitedly point at the pink trees, telling me about the different aspects of the petals and the trunk and such. She’d always been passionate about botany, even before… before what happened. She’d talk to me nonstop, but I wouldn’t hear a word she was saying. I’d just enjoy listening to the sound of her voice, of the childish glee that I could recognize whenever she began talking about plants.

I’d gone back to the park the next day, alone, and collected hundreds of those petals. I’d weaved a crown for her out of those petals. As far I know, she’d kept it on her side table. It would’ve still been there today.

Now, whenever I see those beautiful pink petals, all I can see is her face and all I can hear is her voice, telling me all about her beloved cherry blossoms.

Maybe one day I’ll be able to look at a cherry blossom without feeling such despair, but for now, I’ll endure it, if only to remember the sound of her voice.

Final Comments: I wasn’t really sure how to finish this one off and I’m honestly not completely happy with the ending. Still, this one flowed much better while writing than yesterday’s story.

Overall Rating: 🙂

Let me know your thoughts!