Take Ten to Write

“The Shape of the Universe”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Prompt: Write a story titled “The Shape of the Universe”.

“Mama, what shape is the Universe?”

Ulina tugs at my sleeve to get my attention. I chuckle softly and pick her up, swinging her around before settling her onto my lap.

“Well, my darling,” I say, flicking her nose gently while she giggles, “it depends who you ask.”

“Doesn’t everyone believe the same thing?” Ulina asks, her eyes wide and filled with confusion.

I chuckle. “No, not everyone. For example, your father and I have very different beliefs regarding the matter.”

“You do?” Ulina whispers in disbelief.

“Yes, my little stardust, we do,” I say with a smile. “Your father believes that the universe is finite, that there is an edge that will eventually be explored and found. I believe that the universe has no limits.”

I can see the gears spinning in little Ulina’s mind and her brow furrows. Finally, she asks, “Is that why Papa is still on his trip? Is he trying to find the edge of the universe to prove you wrong?”

An ache tugs at my heart. I absentmindedly stroke Ulina’s hair as I ponder how I’m going to answer.

“Yes and no, my stardust,” I murmur. “Your father is an explorer, and he might just find the end of the universe. Hopefully, soon, he will come home and tell us if he succeeded.”

I stand with a small sigh and carry Ulina to her bedroom. “Now, it’s getting late my sweets. Tomorrow’s a big day.”

I tuck her under her covers and kiss her forehead. “Good night, stardust.”

“Good night, Mama,” Ulina replies, yawning. She rolls over and snuggles deeper under her blankets.

I tiptoe out of her room and sit down heavily at the kitchen table. Trivocc’s picture smiles back at me, as if trying to reassure me that everything will be alright and that I told our daughter the right thing.

After all, how was I to tell Ulina that her father was on a mission to find us another home planet before those monsters destroy ours?

Final Comments: I actually really liked writing this one. I think I may have used too many adverbs and unnecessary descriptive words, but I’m happy with how the general plot turned out.

Overall Rating: 😊

Let me know your thoughts!