Take Ten to Write

“The Secret of Finnegan Island”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Someone discovered cupcakes that are alive…

prompt suggested by Mary

Finnegan Island
February 8, 2020

I think that I’ve finally made a discovery that will put me on the map: Living cupcakes.

For a bit of context, here’s what happened. I was out on Finnegan Island, exploring the amazing landscape and hoping to make a discovery that would finally land me a spot in the Explorer’s Hall of Fame when I quite literally stumbled into a hole. Luckily for me, the hole wasn’t deep and I wasn’t injured. Instead, I found myself at the entrance to a cave.

Much like many other great discoveries, it was by pure chance that I found this cave. Of course, I had to enter to discover the secrets within.

So, in I went. Through the tangle of flowery vines covering the entrance and into the depths of the cave. I had lost my torch a few days ago while watching butterflies in a thunderstorm, so I proceeded with caution as to not get lost.

Still, it wasn’t long before I found myself in complete darkness. I continued forward, though, determined to reach the end of the tunnel.

And I did. As I made my way through the tunnel, my hand on the way so as to not lose my way, I finally started seeing light. The light grew and grew until my eyes could barely take it.

When my eyes adjusted, I simply stood there in awe, staring at my incredible discovery.

In front of me was a world unlike any I’d ever seen. The ground was covered in vibrant pink grass while the trees grew tall and branched into canopies of purple and blue leaves. The flowers gave off a bright glow, giving the impression of stars dotting the landscape, while a golden river rushed along peacefully.

In short, it was quite a sight to behold. I wasted no time in taking out my camera and taking pictures of everything I could see. But the best was still yet to come.

As I wandered further into this mysterious fantasy land, I began hearing faint voices, murmuring and whispering to each other. At first, I thought that I was simply imagining them, but then they grew louder and louder.

Then, suddenly, they stopped.

The bushes rustled in front of me and I grew tense, waiting for a monstrous creature to jump out and ruin my experience.

Instead, a familiar shape appeared. A cupcake. She was followed by a small group of fellow cupcakes, all almost identical save for the colours of their batter and frosting.

Then, much to my delight and surprise, the lead cupcake–their queen, I assumed–opened her mouth and began to speak.

Final Comments: This one was really fun. When the explorer reached the cave, I had a clear vision in my mind of what I wanted the world to look like, which was super cool. Hopefully I was able to translate it into words so that you could see it too…

Overall Rating: 😀

Let me know your thoughts!