“The Science Fair Project”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: Write a story titled “The Science Fair Project”.
Tristan hated science fairs. He always had, ever since his first grade class project that involved inspecting the anatomy of mice. He hated mice.
Twenty-three years later, here he was again, helping his son with his own science fair project. Tristan still hated science fairs, but he had a newfound appreciation for parenting. He discovered just how much of a pain science fairs were for the parents, what with having to put up with the constant complaining of the children and having to actually help them perform the experiment.
His son had chosen to make a solar car. Sure, it wasn’t the most original idea, but Tristan at least knew the basic concepts of solar energy and how to build a car.
Tristan–begrudgingly–completed the experiment with his son and went on to help him create the most elaborate, beautiful poster board in all the school. His son was so proud of the work that they had done together, and even Tristan had to admit that he had fun working so closely with his son.
The day of the science fair came, and Tristan helped his son carry his project to school. They set it up in the gymnasium together for all the other families to see.
Tristan’s son ended up winning first place in his grade’s science fair. Although Tristan still hated science fairs, he began to look forward to the next year’s project, where he could work closely with his son.
Final Comments: I had absolutely no idea what to write and it ended up being a pretty boring story…
Overall Rating: 😓

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