“The Rise of Zeus – Chapter VIII (Pt 9)”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
BASIL (cont.)
And then, I see it. The surface of the glove is moving, almost as if it’s alive. Now that I see the movement, I see it everywhere. Meilin’s entire suit, which I previously thought had just been shimmering in the light as she moved, is actually shifting. It rolls with her muscles as she flexes her biceps, keeping tight to her skin.
Sudden movement on her palm makes me jump. A bright beam of light is erupting from her palm. The light shuts off and as I blink away the spots from my eyes, I see the tiny scale-like parts of her suit turning back over to hide the flashlights.
“Cool,” I breathe. “How did you do that? Is there a button you press? Or a hand signal that you do? Do all your suits have flashlights? Can they do anything else? What do—”
Silas holds up a hand and I stop talking. Suddenly, I realize that I haven’t taken a breath since I started asking questions, so I breathe in deeply and let it out again.
“It seems we have found your questions,” Silas says, a hint of amusement in his eyes. “The answer to your first question is highly scientific, so all I will say is that we control our suits through thought. Simply think about what you want the suit to do and it will do it.”
“So if I want it to get me an ice cream, it’ll do it?”
“Er, well, not quite. The suit does have its limits.”
Aw man, I could’ve really gone for an ice cream.
Final Comments: A bit more humour here! That’s one thing I need to look at when I’m rereading; is there an appropriate amount of humour or does it interrupt the flow of the story?
Overall Rating: 😜
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