“The Rise of Zeus – Chapter VIII (Pt 4)”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
BASIL (cont.)
Harper gives me a small smile and wave. Her golden armour matches her hair, both shining in the harsh light of the room.
“And, of course, you’ve already met Cerberus,” Silas says with some amusement, leaning down to pet his dog between the ears. “I’m glad that he and Biscuit are already getting along so well.”
My mind finally snaps out of this weird, accepting trance that it’s been in since I walked into this room. Millions of questions tumble over one another in my mind.
Why are they wearing armour? Where am I? Why is there a throne? What’s behind those doors? Why does Neera have knives? Who are these people?
And, perhaps most importantly, why am I here?
“But now,” Silas says, “you must be wondering why you’re here.”
“Umm, yes,” I say. “You told me that I’m destined to save the world and that you would help me with my training, but that’s it. It just all seems a bit vague.”
“Hmm, yes, I can see that,” Silas says. “Well, you might as well come in and make yourself comfortable. Come, let’s go to the conference room.”
He turns on his heel and leads the way behind the throne to yet another door at the very back of the room. I follow him, feeling the eyes of the others trained on me. Each of them falls into step behind me as we walk in single file toward this conference room.
The door behind the throne leads to a hallway that stretches as far as the eye can see to both the left and the right. Pictures of various Greek gods line the walls, as well as pieces of artwork that I assume are also of ancient Greek origin, given the theme of the rest of the house.
Silas turns right and continues down the hallway. I quicken my pace to keep up with his longer strides; I don’t want to get lost like an idiot and have to ask one of the others for help.
“Hi,” a soft voice says beside me, making me jump.
“Jeez, hi,” I say, turning to see Harper walking beside me. Even though she’s wearing armour, she moves almost completely silently.
Final Comments: I feel more motivated to write now that I’ve introduced some new characters. Maybe that’s the solution: every time I get writer’s block, just introduce a new character!
Overall Rating: 😄
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