Take Ten to Write

“The Rise of Zeus – Chapter VIII (Pt 10)”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

BASIL (cont.)

“All the suits are equipped with basic survival functions,” Silas continues as I try to push my craving for ice cream aside. “Flashlights, fire, and ice picks to name a few.”

“And healing capabilities,” I add.

“And healing capabilities,” Silas repeats with a nod. “But then each of our suits has some unique capabilities.” He nods at Meilin. “Meilin likes to store her weapons in her suit.”

Meilin smirks at me before a long, sharp, blood-red sword suddenly slides out from the palm of her suit.

“Holy crap!” I yelp, jumping backward as she waves her sword in front of my face. “Be careful!”

“Oh, calm down,” Meilin sighs, rolling her eyes and retracting her sword. “I’m not going to hurt you. At least, not right now.”

Perfect, a death threat. I’ve always loved getting those. For some reason, whenever I try to threaten someone—jokingly, of course—they just laugh me off. Although, to be fair, a Yorkie doesn’t even feel threatened by me, so I guess I can’t blame the humans that I try to threaten.

But Meilin… Man, she’s something else. You know how people usually have multiple dimensions or sides to their personalities or whatever your English teacher tells you when you’re supposed to be inventing a character and she scolds you for creating a flat, boring, one-dimensional character? Well, whoever created Meilin didn’t do that. Meilin’s scary. Period. End of story.

Final Comments: I feel like my sentences near the end started getting a bit long and rambly… Is rambly a word? Oh well, it is now!

Overall Rating: 😥


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