“The Rise of Zeus – Chapter VI (Pt 1)”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Normally, I wouldn’t even consider getting into a stranger’s car, but I’m way too deep into whatever crazy magic world this is now. So, here I am, getting into the passenger’s seat of a dark green sports car with a girl I met literally two seconds ago and a shivering dog in my arms.
“So,” I say, words starting to fall out of my mouth as a result of my nerves, “I’m assuming your favourite colour is green. That’s cool; I like green too. And this car is super nice. I’d love to drive a car like this someday. But with what I’m getting paid at the adoption centre, I’d be lucky to get a car that’s street legal. Oh, and sorry in advance if the dog gets your car dirty. Like if she has an accident or something. I don’t know how likely that is, because I’ve never been with her in a car before, but I’m just saying that it’s a possibility. For both me and the dog, actually. Wow, did I just say that out loud? I can’t believe that I’m still talking. Please say something so that I stop rambling on like an idiot, even though I know you already think that I’m an idiot because I literally cannot stop talking.”
Finally, my lungs run out of air and I pause to take a gasp of oxygen. During my one second of silence, the girl glances at me and starts up her car. The engine lets out a loud growl, making me jump, before it shoots forward onto the street.
“Silas has instructed me to bring you back to his house to begin your training,” the girl repeats, her eyes fixed on the road.
Before my brain can censor my words, I say, “Are you a robot?”
That earns me another glance. “What?”
“Er, never mind.”
The girl returns her eyes forward. “No,” she says, the hint of a smile turning up the corner of her lips. “I’m not a robot. I just need to keep focused during missions.”
“So your mission is to bring me to Silas?”
At least she seems to be responding to my questions now.
Final Comments: It’s refreshing to be writing Basil’s storyline again after being stuck with Zeus for so long! It’s interesting how time seems to pass differently when I just write for ten minutes every day…
Overall Rating: 😄
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