“The Rise of Zeus – Chapter V (Pt 8)”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
ZEUS (cont.)
“Athena is right,” Chiron says. “We must keep this quiet, at least until we have more information.”
Apollo lets out a huge groan. “Fine, if you say so.”
“I do say so.”
I can picture Apollo’s eye roll and Athena’s smirk. Man, if only they’d invited me in; then I could’ve laughed at their faces in person.
“So we are agreed?” Chiron continues.
Silence follows, but I assume that Athena and Apollo both nod.
“Very good,” Chiron says. “Meeting adjourned.”
My heart stops. You’ve got to be kidding. This is one time that they choose to have a quick meeting?
“Just kidding,” Chiron chuckles. “I saw the panic in your eyes there, Athena.”
Good thing he couldn’t see the panic in my eyes.
“Let’s discuss the elephant in the room,” Chiron says. “According to Zeus’s vision, Medusa is still alive.”
Wait, was Medusa supposed to be dead? I mean, at least the last time I saw her, she was alive and well.
“Well,” Apollo says, “visions aren’t always an exact reflection of the truth. Zeus doesn’t know that Medusa is dead, right? So that’s probably why he saw her in his vision.”
And Apollo knows that I don’t know? What in high Olympus is going on?
“Perhaps it’s time for us to tell him,” Chiron murmurs.
Uh, yes, I agree!
“No,” Athena says. “We don’t know the type of fallout that this kind of information would create. No, it’s safer for all of us to keep this to ourselves.”
“Great, another secret to add to the pile,” Apollo mutters.
“This is nothing new, Apollo,” Chiron reminds him. “You’ve kept this secret for two years already. I’m sure you can hold onto it for a bit longer.”
Two years? Medusa has been dead for two whole years and I never knew?!
“Three years,” Athena interjects.
Oh great. It was actually three years instead of two. That’s just perfect.
Final Comments: Sorry there wasn’t a section yesterday… I got home late and was too tired to write! Here’s a bit of a longer part today to make up for it.
Overall Rating: 😬
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