“The Rise of Zeus – Chapter V (Pt 1)”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Of all the gods and goddesses here at Olympus, Hera is the one I least like running into. And no, it has nothing to do with the fact that we used to date or the fact that she cheated on me, although those don’t exactly give her any points. I mostly just avoid talking to her because she’s Chiron’s favourite. The kind of power that gives her… I don’t even like thinking about it.
So, as I sneak through the kitchen, the fear of being discovered is making my adrenaline pump like crazy. Honestly I feel like I just drank a boatload of coffee, that’s how nervous and jittery I am right now.
All because of this girl. This girl who betrayed me and tried to turn Chiron against me by lying. I say ‘tried’ even though she definitely won that battle. I mean seriously, how could Chiron think that I would ever cheat on her?! And then he made me apologize to her in front of everyone?! I’ve never been more humiliated.
And still, to this day, Hera remains Chiron’s favourite. I’m actually surprised that Chiron didn’t invite her to his little secret meeting. Maybe she’s baking him some cookies now to make him feel guilty about not inviting her.
My foot knocks against the side of the metal counter and a hollow clang rings out. I wince at the sharp sound and peek out above the countertop.
Hera’s already spun around to peer in my direction through narrowed eyes. “Who’s there?” she shouts.
Final Comments: I completely forgot what was happening with Zeus… After a quick reread of Chapter 3, I’m excited to continue Zeus’s story!
Overall Rating: 🙂
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