Take Ten to Write

“The Rise of Zeus – Chapter IX (Pt 6)”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

ZEUS (cont.)

“Boys, boys,” Athena says, stepping forward between Hades and me. “Relax. Let’s go inside and chat before someone’s eyebrows get fried off again.”

She gives me a pointed look and I sigh, dispersing the electricity crackling around my fists. “Fine,” I growl, “let’s go, brother.”

“Why thank you,” Hades says, winking at me as he heads toward the War Room.

And yes, we’re going back to the War Room. Because where else would all of us meet?

Hades flings open the large wooden doors and immediately claims the seat at the head of the table. My seat.

“Move it,” I snap, jabbing my thumb toward the row of chairs lining the table.

“Nah, I quite like this seat,” he says, leaning back and putting his feet up on the table.

“Well, it’s my seat!”

“Wow, touchy, touchy.”

Aphrodite slides in between us and perches on the armrest of my chair. Great, now I’m going to have to sanitize the entire thing.

“Come on, Hades,” she purrs, “you can sit next to me.”

“Gross,” Apollo mutters into my ear.

Hades grins at Aphrodite before standing up. “You got lucky this time, brother,” he says to me before following Aphrodite down the line of chairs.

I gingerly poke at the chair to make sure Hades didn’t leave any spirits with unresolved issues lingering behind. He’s done that before to me as an April Fool’s prank—no, I’m serious. He left the poor soul in my closet for me to discover in the morning. Let’s just say that we had to get the electricity rewired in the entirety of Olympus after that.

Final Comments: They’ve finally moved somewhere else! I actually feel a lot better, like the story’s actually getting somewhere now.

Overall Rating: 😄

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