Take Ten to Write

“The Rise of Zeus – Chapter IV (Pt 2)”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

BASIL (cont.)

Silas frowns and returns to petting Biscuit. “So,” he says abruptly, “have you given any thought to my proposal?”

“What, going to your house for some sort of training?”


The logical part of my brain is screaming ‘Don’t go to strangers’ houses!’ But the irrational part of my brain is being prodded by curiosity. Training? From a man who can apparently perform real magic? That doesn’t seem like an opportunity that I should pass up.

Before I register what’s happening, “Okay,” flies from my mouth.

Silas smiles. “Excellent,” he says. “We will begin immediately.”

“Er, but I have to work.”

His smile turns to a chuckle. “My dear boy, your work will be very different from now on. You will not have time to play with puppies anymore. Am I understood?”

“Well, I guess, but—”

“Then it is settled.” He nods firmly, as if trying to really drive his point home. “We leave immediately.”

I get the feeling that he isn’t completely understanding my situation here. “Yeah, but see, I can’t just leave. I’m the only one here at the moment. Casey, my boss, isn’t supposed to be coming in until later this afternoon.”

“So lock the door behind you.”


Silas suddenly straightens his back until he’s towering over me. Was he seriously always this tall?

“Basil Andino,” he says, his voice booming. I shrink back behind the desk as I stare up at him. “You were chosen to save the world. Now, do you want to fulfil your destiny or not?”

“I-I guess,” I squeak. I must look pathetic right now, cowering behind my desk as he literally just stands in front of me while speaking loudly. Have I really always been such a scaredy-cat?

Final Comments: I feel like I need to start moving the plot along. Maybe it’s just because I’m writing in 10 minute chunks, so it feels like the story’s progressing a lot slower than I think it is?

Overall Rating: 🤔

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