Take Ten to Write

“The Rise of Zeus – Chapter III (Pt 5)”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

ZEUS (cont.)

“Can’t you just trust Chiron for once?” Hephaestus begs.

“Why can’t Chiron trust me for once?” I shoot back.

Hephaestus pauses before sighing and shaking his head. “You know what, Zeus? Do whatever you want. Just know that I’m not going to play a part in whatever you decide to do.”

“I never asked you to help,” I snap as he exits my house.

Honestly, Hephaestus puts too much faith in Chiron. Sure, Chiron’s the one who made us all who we are today, but I’ve outgrown him. Instead of raising me up, he’s pulling me back down. All because of what? Is he jealous of me? Is he jealous of the power he’s bestowed upon me and excluding me is his desperate attempt to get it back?

Well, there’s no way I’m going to let him get away with that. No, I’m going to hear that conversation and I’m going to take back control of my own life.

I straighten my back before stomping out the door. The other gods and goddesses have already dispersed, leaving the courtyard empty. My feet guide me to the Citadel while my brain travels through the various secret passages throughout the building. The most obvious place for them to be holding their meeting is in the War Room, considering the nature of my vision. So if I take the passages behind the West Wing and make my way up through the elevator shaft, I should be able to sneak my way into the ceiling above the War Room. That is, assuming I don’t get crushed by the elevator.

Final Comments: I had a bit of a hard time figuring out a transition between the last part and this one… I think it works though? And it gives Zeus and Chiron a bit of characterization, which is a nice bonus!

Overall Rating: 😅

Let me know your thoughts!