Take Ten to Write

“The Rise of Zeus – Chapter II (Pt 5)”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

BASIL (cont.)

Immediately, that flicker of hope reignites. “Really?” I exclaim and practically throw Biscuit at the man before she bites me. “Well, here you go.”

The man takes Biscuit and she transforms into a deceiving little angel once more.

“Thank you,” he says, smiling down at her as if she’s the best thing he’s ever seen. “Now, I do have some questions…”

Before he goes on to ask the usual ‘thorough’ line of questioning, I say, “Yes, Biscuit’s available for adoption. She’s potty trained and knows how to come, sit, and lie down on command. She needs about an hour of exercise every day, given that she’s a small dog, but she’s not suitable for apartment living because she barks almost constantly.”

The man lets me finish answering before raising an eyebrow. It’s almost like he’s amused by my enthusiasm to help this adoption along.

“Actually,” he says after waiting for a moment to make sure that I’m finished speaking, “I was going to say that I have some questions about you.”

Surprise shoots through me, turning my cheeks bright red. “About me? What do you mean?”

“Your name is Basil Andino, correct?”

“Er, yes.” Did I tell him my name?

“And you are twenty-one years old?”

Okay, now this is getting creepy. “Have you been stalking my social media?”

A smile turns up his lips. “There are other, far more reliable methods, of gathering information.”

“Such as?”

Of course he doesn’t give me an answer. Instead, he says, “I have a proposition for you, Basil Andino.”


The man runs a hand from Biscuit’s ears to the base of her tail before setting her down on the ground beside him. My instincts tell me to dive to catch her, and I barely stop myself. Strangely, Biscuit simply sits beside the man, wagging her tail with both eyes fixed firmly on him.

“W-what did you do to her?” I whisper.

He smiles. “Would you like to hear my proposition?”

Final Comments: Sorry to leave you hanging yesterday… My day was crazy busy! Anyway, I spent a bit longer writing this one. I’m still pretty worried about pacing, but again, that’s something that can be fixed later!

Overall Rating: 🤔

Let me know your thoughts!