“The Rise of Zeus – Chapter II (Pt 2)”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
BASIL (cont.)
“Are you done yet, Basil?” Casey shouts from her office.
Leaning back to peer through the window at the end of the hallway, I shake my head. “Just getting started.”
Casey holds her hand over her cellphone to say, “Well hurry up. Apotential new puprent will be arriving at any moment!”
My jaw clenches involuntarily. I swear, every time I hear ‘puprent’ I want to scream. Honestly, I wish Casey would realize that ‘puprent’ isn’t a cute word; if anything, it sounds like our adopters are renting out our puppies, which just really misses the mark.
“Alright, I’m hurrying,” I say as Casey returns to her call. Just as I turn back to Biscuit’s kennel, the door flies open and a small streak of brown and black passes by my feet.
I freeze. My worst nightmare has come true: Biscuit is free.
“What was that?” Casey asks, appearing at the door to her office. It’s incredible how her phone call finished just in time to see me let a dog escape.
“Er, I believe that was Biscuit,” I say sheepishly, pointing down the hallway.
“Well why aren’t you chasing after her?!” Casey shouts before departing at a full sprint.
Under my breath, I reply, “Because I’m terrified of the little monster.”
“Come on, Basil!” Casey screeches. “The front door could be opening at any moment!”
Oh right, because of our potential new ‘puprent’ who’s supposed to be arriving at any moment.
Final Comments: One problem I’m noticing with writing a story in ten-minute chunks like this is that I have no idea how the pacing is going. I guess that’s something I’ll have to think about while rereading the whole thing.
Overall Rating: 😬
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