“The Rise of Zeus – Chapter II (Pt 1)”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
“Basil! Clean up in Kennel Two!”
Stifling a groan, I grab the basket of cleaning supplies and head down the rows of kennels, wincing at the occasional extra-loud bark, until I reach the end aisle. Kennel Two: my favourite. Please note my sarcasm.
Biscuit glares up at me, her eyes glinting menacingly in the dim lighting we use to calm the dogs. Trust me, the lights don’t work. If anything, they make the dogs more agitated.
Yes, I know that I—an educated twenty-one-year-old man—shouldn’t be afraid of a tiny Yorkshire terrier. And yes, I know that Biscuit is taking advantage of me by preying on my fear and making it worse. But here we are, with this tiny, yappy dog literally crapping all over my life.
“N-nice Biscuit,” I say, cursing the tremble in my voice. Right, as if the dog can’t sense how nervous I am without me sounding like I’m about to be beaten up. I wonder if dogs really can smell fear. Even if other dogs can’t, I’m pretty sure that Biscuit can.
“I just need to clean up your bed,” I say, slowly unlatching the door. “Then, if you don’t bite me, I’ll give you a cookie. How does that sound?”
Biscuit continues her staring contest with me, her lips sliding back to reveal her sharp teeth. A low growl builds in her throat. Somehow, she’s able to make her own voice sound as though it’s coming from a much larger dog—say, a Doberman—that I could reasonably explain being afraid of.
Final Comments: I had fun writing this section! Not much visual description, but I think that it works?
Overall Rating: 🐶
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