Take Ten to Write

“The Rise of Zeus – Chapter I (Pt 3)”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

ZEUS (cont.)

A grin spreads across my face. This is more like it.

A roar rips itself from my throat as I charge toward the now-pale-faced girl. She stares at me as my lightning bolt forms itself in my hand. The crackling energy of light reflects in her wide eyes as I bring it up and smash it down, shattering the earth around her with an ear-splitting CRACK.

I exhale, letting my lightning bolt retract itself back into nothingness. Through the dust-filled street, I can just make out a dark, unmoving figure lying on the ground several paces back from where the girl had been standing just moments ago.

Satisfaction snakes its way up into my chest. Finally, my brothers and sisters have been avenged.

But a flicker of movement stops me dead in my tracks.

The girl… She isn’t dead. No, in fact, she seems more alive than before.

I can only stare in shocked silence as the girl pushes herself up to sitting, her hair moving of its own accord. Right before my eyes, the strands group themselves together before solidifying into long, solid ropes, covered in scales.

“Well, well…” Medusa hisses, smirking up at me from her position on the ground. “Lord Zeus. What a pleasant surprise to find you on Earth, among these mortals.”

Final Comments: I know where I want this chapter to go… But for some reason, it’s taking me a while to find the right words to get there!!

Overall Rating: 😵

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