“The Rhythm of Battle”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Growl crouched at the top of the mountain, his ears twitching for the slightest sound.
A sharp crack rang out behind him and he spun, his lips pulled back in a snarl.
Fang stood before him, tall and proud. He looked down at the younger wolf, as if asking if he really wanted to go ahead. Growl didn’t let himself be intimidated. He rose to his feet and stared directly into Fang’s eyes. He let out a single, short bark.
It was time.
They began circling each other, eyes narrowed, ears flattened. A cloud of frosty breath formed between them, creating a haze of smoke. Still, two pairs of bright eyes pierced through.
The moon began to climb behind them, peeking over the tip of the mountain. Bright moonlight spilled onto the two wolves, making their fur glow.
The two enemies continued circling, tails swishing against the cold stone as they watched each other. One of them was bound to make the first move soon.
Claws clicked against the hard rock. A rhythm had formed.
… Clack.
That slight hesitation was all Growl needed to know that Fang was about to attack. He was prepared and met the older wolf with outstretched claws.
Final Comments: I regret giving the wolves names now…
Overall Rating: 😑

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