Take Ten to Write

“The Queen”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Cressalia hadn’t wanted to be queen. All she’d ever wanted was to go on adventures, preferably with her trusted steed, and explore picturesque forests and waterfalls. She would’ve lived as far away from civilization as possible, enjoying the simple life and having to care only for herself.

Unfortunately, the Greats had another plan for her.

When Cressalia was just thirteen years old, her parents had been assassinated while she was out for a ride. The entire Province claimed that she was lucky that she had not been at the Citadel at the time; Cressalia believed that dying would have been a less painful fate than having to govern an entire Province by herself.

In that moment, Cressalia Kinjaku became Queen of one of the largest Provinces in Lauter Gnoull. She was responsible for no less than three million lives at any given time, not including the animals used for production and trade. The Yellow Flowers became hers as well, being the primary source of power for the GoldWhisperers that frequented those parts. Over the years, their demands had grown, creating a greater need for the special flowers. They often approached Cressalia directly to complain, and she had gotten into the habit of simply walking out of the room whenever one of them approached; after all, it was dangerous to converse with a GoldWhisperer who wanted something.

Needless to say, Cressalia had changed tremendously since her came into power. In her young age, she had learned the hard way that people were often cruel and did everything in their power to take advantage of someone else. She had lost valuable resources and countless men to the evil of others.

But no more. Cressalia was no longer an innocent child. She was a Queen. The Queen. And no one dared challenge The Queen.

Final Comments: I realized I hadn’t written a part with Cressalia yet. I feel like her backstory is something that I could have a lot of fun with.

Overall Rating: 🙂

Let me know your thoughts!