Take Ten to Write

“The Proposal”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Prompt: Sequel.

“A sequel?”

“Yes, sir. I believe that it could be a big success.”

Mr. Thorton raises an eyebrow. He shuffles the documents I brought for him to look over and sighs. “Look, Hilary, I like you and I liked the first movie that you made for me. But it had a beginning and it had an ending. The audience isn’t expecting a sequel, and quite frankly, I just don’t think that they’d enjoy one.”

My heart drops. I thought that Mr. Thorton would at least consider a sequel, but it seems like his mind is made up already.

Still, I can’t give up.

“Mr. Thorton, I really think that the audiences would appreciate knowing what happens next. The first movie had a large following and there was a lot of speculation on social media about Melissa’s future. I really think that we could make a good sequel.”

Mr. Thorton sighs again and picks up the papers, letting them fall against the table to even them out. “Ms. Jensen, I’m sorry, but we’re just not looking to make a sequel at this time. We enjoyed working with you on Rising Hopes, and if you had another original idea, that would be another discussion. Otherwise, I’m afraid that there is nothing left to discuss.”

My mind races, and before I have a chance to think about what I’m doing, I blurt out, “I do have another original idea actually.”

He stops playing with the papers and sits back in his chair. “Please, do tell.”

“Well,” I say slowly, trying desperately to make something up in two seconds, “I’ve been playing with the idea of a historical piece.”

“That’s already been done,” Mr. Thorton points out.

“Yes, but what about a historical piece with zombies?”

Now I’ve got his attention.

“Go on.”

“Well, it’s just a rough idea,” I say, the idea actually starting to form in my mind, “but I was thinking about a story that would explore how the zombies affected the lives of a family of royals who had just returned from overseas and were oblivious to the outbreak.”

“Interesting,” Mr. Thorton says, tapping his desk with a finger. “Alright, when you have a more solid idea, let’s chat again.”

He stands and I follow. He extends his hand to me. “Always a pleasure, Ms. Jensen. We’ll be in touch.”

I smile at him. “Thank you, Mr. Thorton.”

I walk out of his office, my heart still pounding. Well, that meeting went better than expected. At least I might have another job offer, but now I’ve got to create an entire movie idea from scratch.

I’ve got my work cut out for me.

Final Comments: I think that it’d be so much fun to make a movie.

Overall Rating: 🤨

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