Take Ten to Write

“The Package”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Photo prompt by Sarah Gualtieri on Unsplash

The doorbell rings.

I sigh. There’s been so many solicitors in these past few days, but I’ve been waiting for an important package, so I’ve been answering the door constantly. Maybe they know when you’re expecting for something to arrive, so they choose those times to show up on your doorstep because they know that you’re more likely to answer the door.

I hope they can’t track my packages. That’d just be creepy.

I take a deep breath before opening the door.

“I’m sorry, I’m not interested,” I say automatically.

To no one.

At least no one’s around to see me talking to thin air like an idiot.

My foot bumps against something and I look down. A box lies at my feet, sealed tightly shut and stamped with a huge ‘FRAGILE’ sign.

I pick up the box and carefully carry it back inside. I didn’t think that my package would be this big, if this is my package at all.

I place the box on my kitchen counter and grab a pair of scissors to slice it open.

As soon as the flaps of the box fall open, I’m hit with a familiar sweet smell.


Oh yeah, this is what I was waiting for.

I ordered these strawberries online about five months ago and was put on a waiting list. I only got confirmation a few days ago that they were finally getting shipped and I’d been waiting anxiously ever since.

I grabbed a handful and admired how perfect they looked. Gorgeous.

I quickly soaked them in a bowl of water before popping one in my mouth.


Ten minutes later, I’d devoured an entire bowl of strawberries. They were just as incredible as the website had advertised.

I begin putting them away in smaller containers so that I don’t need to keep this huge box lying around. As I scoop out the strawberries, another stench hits me. One that definitely isn’t strawberries.

My finger touches something different. Something that definitely isn’t a strawberry.

I risk a peek inside the box.

And I scream.

Final Comments: Blegh, the writing style of this one was so sloppy…

Overall Rating: 😣

Let me know your thoughts!