Take Ten to Write

“The Night Prince”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Prompt: Write a story titled “The Night Prince”.

“Caramel Orannigan, please step forward.”

I take a deep breath and try to keep from trembling as I step up in front of the King. One’s father really shouldn’t make one feel as nervous and insignificant as mine does, but having the king as your father tends to change things.

Father seems to be in a bad mood today, which isn’t good news for me. Today was supposed to be my big day, my entry into the world of real men. And yet, he barely seems to want to give me the time of day.

Still, I try my best to gain his attention.

“Father,” I say, bowing my head for a moment in respect before waiting for him to begin the ceremony.

Instead, Father beckons to a nearby servant. The servant stoops so that the king can whisper into his ear. As soon as the servant’s ear is just before his lips, Father opens his mouth and bellows, “More wine!”

The poor servant jumps back and scurries into the kitchens to fetch Father his drink.

I wait for a moment more before deciding to take a risk. I clear my throat, ever so quietly.

Father doesn’t respond, so I try again, louder this time. Father’s eyes snap to me, his annoyance practically radiating from him.

“Oh, it’s you,” he says, surprisingly articulately considering how much I know he’s had to drink already.

“Father, it’s time for my ceremony,” I prompt him nervously. I stop myself from wincing in anticipation of a scathing response.

But I’m surprised; instead, Father nods. “Yes, yes, of course. Come here, son.”

My heart flutters as I approach. I’m about to be recognized as a man. As the Prince of Tridagon.

Father places a hand on my left shoulder, then my right.

“You are now a man,” he says gruffly. “Congratulations.”

Polite applause rings out around the throne room at the brief announcement. Then, Father shouts, “Where’s my wine?”

I hold back a disappointed sigh and sneak back to my chambers. I watch as the sun sets.

At least during the night, Father’s unconscious from the drink. During the night, I can be who I was born to be.

The prince.

Final Comments: The ending of this one was a bit rushed… But I enjoyed writing the king’s character; it was much different from the types of characters I usually have in my stories.

Overall Rating: 😅

Let me know your thoughts!