Take Ten to Write

“The Night Is Young”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

The night is young.

The night is young,
Still an infant in time,
Not knowing right from wrong,
And wrong from right.

The night is young,
It plays foolishly with the day,
Taunting, teasing, chasing,
Until the roles reverse.

The night is young,
Its friends begin to peek from the bushes,
Scavenging for food
While the moon is high.

The night is young,
Still so much to do,
So much to be done,
So much that can be done.

The night is young,
But as the moon rises,
All hide away,
Until the night is young again.

Final Comments: I’ll honestly say that I have no idea how to write poetry. In this one, I basically just wrote the first thing that came to mind, so it probably doesn’t make much sense. I’m not really sure why the first thing I thought of when reading this prompt was poetry, but here you go. That being said, I did really enjoy writing it, even if it did end up being complete gibberish…

Overall Rating: 😅

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