Take Ten to Write

“The Movie Watcher”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Prompt: “Work is much more fun than fun.” — Noel Coward

I love my job.

I honestly can’t think of any way I’d rather spend my time. I mean, I get to watch movies all day. And I get paid for it. Yeah, it’s pretty awesome.

I think that the hardest part of my job is actually all the sitting I do. I guess I could move around and exercise or something while I watch the movies, but then I wouldn’t be able to fully concentrate on the movie that I’m watching and then I wouldn’t be doing my job well.

I will also say that not all the movies I watch are fantastic. I watched one last yesterday about a talking pumpkin and it was just the worst. It didn’t get very good ratings, so I guess I shouldn’t have expected much. Then again, some movies get horrible reviews and I still think that they’re great! So, the moral of this short little rant is to not read the reviews beforehand, I think.

But getting back to my job. What exactly do I do? Well, I get paid to react to movies. That’s pretty much it. Surprisingly, it also pays really well and I don’t need to work another job or anything.

So, to sum it all up, I watch movies for a living and it’s awesome. I challenge you to find a job that’s better than mine.

Final Comments: I didn’t really have an idea for a story for this one, so it just came out as a half-rant… Whoops…

Overall Rating: 😓

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