“The Magnificent Mr. Maurice Pt. 2”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: Neon.
The messenger followed the pale man through the streets. He tried his best not to shiver, though he felt a strange foreboding that he had only felt once before on his mother’s deathbed. But he had a mission to fulfill; he had to find Mr. Maurice.
Every so often, the pale man would look over his shoulder at the trembling messenger.
He is a mouse, the pale man decided. A mouse who is frightened of everything but cheese.
As he led the mouse through the shadows, the pale man decided to give him some cheese.
“Mr. Maurice will be expecting you,” he said to the messenger.
As expected, the mouse’s ears perked up. “He will? But how will he know that I am coming?”
The pale man smirked. “He will just know.”
He led his mouse under the flickering neon lights signaling the entrance to their destination. The messenger looked up, eyes wide, as he read the sign:
Mr. Maurice’s Magnificent Museum
Final Comments: Yesterday’s story may have been hard to write, but I think my mind was still kind of in that mindset. I’m not entirely sure how the mouse metaphor came in, but it gave me a really good idea…
Overall Rating: 😏

"The Magnificent Mr. Maurice"

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