“The Littlest Bonsai”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: Write a story titled “The Littlest Bonsai”.
The Littlest Bonsai stretched his limbs and rustled his leaves. It was a new day, which meant that it was time to grow!
He closed his eyes as he basked in the sunlight. It was a beautiful day, perfect for growing big and tall.
“Hello, Littlest Bonsai,” Old Oak said. “How are you this morning?”
“Good morning, Old Oak!” the Littlest Bonsai exclaimed. “I’m great! I’m ready to grow big and strong just like you!”
Old Oak frowned. “Big and strong?” he asked. “Are you sure?”
“Absolutely positive,” the Littlest Bonsai said with a firm nod. “Just wait and see… I’ll be big one day!”
Old Oak thought about telling the Littlest Bonsai the truth, but decided against it. After all, who was he to crush a little tree’s dreams?
The sun rose and fell, then the moon rose and fell.
When the sun rose again the next day, the Littlest Bonsai stretched his limbs and rustled his leaves. Once again, he was ready to grow.
Old Oak turned to the Littlest Bonsai and asked him again, “How are you this morning?”
And once again, the Littlest Bonsai replied, “I’m great! I’m ready to grow big and strong just like you!”
Old Oak thought again about telling the Littlest Bonsai the truth, but decided against it. After all, who was he to crush a little tree’s dreams?
The days and nights came and went. With each passing day, the Littlest Bonsai’s confidence fell.
One day, he asked Old Oak, “Why aren’t I getting big and strong like you?”
Old Oak sighed. He knew he had to tell the Littlest Bonsai the truth.
“Littlest Bonsai,” he said gently, “I’m afraid you’ll never grow big and strong like me.”
“Why not?”
“Because you’re a Bonsai, which are the littlest trees.”
The Littlest Bonsai thought for a moment, before simply saying, “Oh.”
Old Oak could tell that the Littlest Bonsai was upset, so he said, “Do you want to see a magic trick?”
“I guess,” said the Littlest Bonsai.
Old Oak bent down beside the Littlest Bonsai. “Look into the water over there.”
The Littlest Bonsai did.
“What do you see, Littlest Bonsai?”
Immediately, a smile spread across the Littlest Bonsai’s face. “I’m big and strong, just like you!” he exclaimed, looking at his reflection in the water.
Final Comments: This took a bit more than 10 minutes, but I really wanted to finish it!!
Overall Rating: 🙂

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This is a super cute story! I think it could be turned into a children’s book!
Jezlyn Lang
Thanks!! 😊