“The Littlest Bonsai” by Mary
This Take Ten to Write story was submitted by 12-year-old Mary. Happy reading!
Prompt: Write a story titled “The Littlest Bonsai”.
Okay, so you see, I am a bonsai. A bonsai is a plant. A plant is, well, a living thing that animals eat. And animals, well, there’s different kinds of animals… you know what, let’s just end it there. So I am a bonsai, and a bonsai is a plant. End of story. This story isn’t that short, is it? No, let’s continue. So I am actually the smallest bonsai on all of planet Earth. What’s Earth? Guys, I don’t want to keep explaining things to you. Come on, I’m a plant! Seriously! Even I don’t know everything! Okay, so back to my life. I am the smallest bonsai on planet earth and I am happy as can be. But all the other bonsai bully me (not physically, but they still bullied me) because I’m so small. What’s up with you bonsai? Just because I’m small doesn’t mean I’m similar to you in other ways! I mean, we’re all plants, and animals eat all plants. What don’t you understand about that? Now, let’s get on to my tale.
The Littlest Bonsai
You see, I was born way after any other bonsai on the history of planet Earth. While all the other bonsai grew big, I stayed small. But the other bonsai bullied me. I’d show those bonsai! I’ll grow up to be your age someday! But, I unfortunately did not. My owners did not take care of me and therefore I almost died. Almost. But luckily I didn’t when my mother bonsai spared me some of her nutrients. I grew back and in just a few weeks, I was…
The Biggest Bonsai
the biggest bonsai ever to exist on planet Earth! My owner remembered to take care of me each and every day, and my mother’s nutrients were just enough to nurse me back to health!
I grew so big that the other big bonsai could not believe their eyes (Well, if they had eyes they would not have been able to believe them). And that, my friend, is my tale.

"The Littlest Bonsai"

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